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About us




Welcome to WealthInHealth, Where Your Well-being Matters Most 

WealthInHealth is a Vietnamese online newspaper established in 2024 with the aim to provide accurate, reliable, and comprehensive news that empowers readers to make informed decisions about health and well-being.

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Our vision for WealthInHealth is to position itself as one of the top online health newspapers with the most visits in Vietnam in 2024.



We are committed to providing precise, fact-based information on a variety of health-related subjects, ranging from nutrition and preventative care to mental health and technological advancements in medicine.


Core values


We are dedicated to recognizing and representing various communities diverse needs and experiences in health reporting, including addressing health disparities. 


We ensure that all information presented in the newspaper is factually accurate, verified, and sourced from credible sources such as medical professionals, scientific studies, and reputable health organizations.



WealthInHealth demonstrates empathy and understanding towards individuals dealing with health challenges, highlighting stories that inspire hope, resilience, and support within the community.



Addr: University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University – Hanoi, Pham Van Dong, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Hotline: (123)-456-7890

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©Copyright by WealthInHealth


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